Tip of the month for the best way to light your campfire!
This revolutionary idea came to me when I recalled all those times when the Camp is so nice and quiet after groups have cleaned up and gone home. So many times I have noticed this little known, precious resource that they quite often leave behind.
This involves a simple, four step process. (Not hard to do, but apparently hard to remember if your Mother isn't there.)
Step 1: Upon arrival, head straight to the outhouse. (Not hard to remember after that bumpy road!)
Step 2: Pick up all the empty rolls and put the new rolls on the rollers.
Step 3: Put the empty rolls in your pocket.
Step 4: Use the empty rolls to light your campfire.
If there is no garbage there, remember to thank the previous group.
I get discouraged when I think that I might have to add another rule to the list..... Bring your mother to Camp if you never learned to replace the T.P. rolls! Please remember that there is no caretaker there and each group is required to leave the Camp clean. This includes the outhouses.
Another note..... Mice and squirrels like their TP off the roll. They can chew them, knock them on the floor and push them out the door into the rain. (It's really hard to pick up rolls of wet and soggy TP.)
Up til this time, 12 empty rolls had been the record for 3 outhouses. This last trip took the record with 17 fire starters! (We will all be happy to know that the empty rolls don't go down the hole to fill things up prematurely)